Molly's vocabulary is expanding greatly these days. This last week she has said quite a few new words. Here are a few: turtle, park, Richard, Shelly, Shawna, blue, yellow, one, two (in order), stairs, down. I can't remember anymore but I know there were more. She is mastering please and thank you. We are still working on when to use them correctly. She has figured out that if she uses please when she really wants something but she knows she shouldn't have it or do it, etc-that we might break down and let her have it, do it, etc. (within reason) How can we resist a "pease"?
When walking into the YMCA, Floyd asked her if she wanted to walk or for him to carry her. She said "carry". I asked her tonight when we were snuggling before bed if she wanted to go to the pool again, she said "yes" . It is great she is really starting to verbally communicate with us.
I almost forgot my favorite: love you! She has only said that once and I had just said to Floyd that I can't wait til she can say "I love you".
Our little girl is so smart! I can't wait to see what this new year will bring.
Oh, I forgot POOL of course.
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