
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Videos from the morning

Merry Christmas!

We have had a fun Christmas Eve and morning at the Nelson household.  Last night, we all went to the 5pm service at Church where Molly had the honor of carrying the baby Jesus up to the front of the church to place in the Nativity scene.  During different songs, the characters of the Nativity were carried around the sanctuary and placed up front by different children.  While we all sang “Away in the Manager”, Molly ran baby Jesus up to the front and placed him on the stage.  As she did this, in her full Molly volume we hear “I did it”.  She was so proud of herself-as were we! 

Once she was in bed last night, the baking and wrapping fun began.  Floyd was great help in all tasks.  For some reason, I love to bake at night when it is quiet.  Needless to say it was 1am when we went to bed.  Molly was awake at 2, 3, and 3:30 this morning asking for her Christmas music to be turned on.  She was afraid of Santa coming in the house and couldn’t sleep.  Floyd and I were so confused when she first woke us up.  I don’t think I fully woke up until I sat down in her cold bathroom.  Thankfully, she slept in to almost 8am!  YEAH!!!  She wouldn’t go into the living room by herself.  Again, afraid Santa was waiting for her.  We have had a nice slow morning of homemade cinnamon rolls, opening and savoring each gift, and talked to all the grandparents.  Rich, Kate, David, Eric (Shelly’s brother), and our neighbors are all coming over for dinner later today.  7 adults and 3 kids 2 and under.  Should be fun. 

I hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful time.  Merry Christmas!