
Monday, March 29, 2010


So I forgot my camera cord at home so pictures will have to wait until we get home. We are having a great time-I think Molly is having the most fun. She is loving hanging out with Mimi and Pawpaw. She would follow PawPaw around all day long if we let her. (The boys are building a deck-not really where she needs to be!) We have had great weather-a bit windy this weekend but beautiful. Sunny and warm! Supposed to be in the high 70's this week. Can't wait. Floyd's mom is doing good. She as graduated from the liquid diet to the mash potato diet (soft foods). Molly runs from window to window when she is in the house to see the cows. And moos at all of them. When she is outside, she just wants to ride the big tractor. We took her out in the paddle boat today for a nice trip around the pond. I forgot what work a paddle boat can be. I need to be doing that every day!

Well, I should join everyone for games. Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Proud Molly

A very proud Molly with 2 stickers on her nose. She gets a sticker everytime she goes peepee and poop in the potty. The other night she did both before bed. We were so excited. She wanted to wear her stickers on her nose. To make it extra special, I got out the camera. She loves her pictures.

playing in the dirt

one toy shovel scoop at a time. she's a hard worker!

taking over for daddy

come on dad, where should I put it?

I missed getting the full picture. She was swimming in the dirt. Arms and legs moving and dirt flying. Needless to say, when she came inside, she went straight to the bathtub.

We are getting closer to planting grass in the backyard. But then I wonder how I'll keep Molly out of the dirt while we wait for grass to grow. She might be upset when the dirt pile goes away.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

brings us up to date

She helped clean her room on Tuesday.

So after watching her drag the big broom and swifter around, I spotted this little broom with matching dustpan at TJ Maxx. She now carries that around the house. She swept my room, her room, and the bathroom. Now if only the dirt would go in her dustpan and into the trash. Floyd tried to show her how that works. It was fun to watch. She is my little helper.


helping us clean up the backyard. getting closer to planting grass.

she asked me to take her picture-what a poser!

helping Daddy vacuum. he must have missed a spot.

reading The Family Handyman magazine after breakfast. just a little light reading. she loved the add of the vacuum with the cape.

Molly picked out this dress on sale for this summer so it is a little big. I had her try it on to make sure it wasn't going to be huge on her this summer. of course, she asked me to take a picture. "camera, camera please" too cute!

our new room

our new room has been converted into a ......train room. it was supposed to become the guest bedroom/office but we don't need it as that yet so Molly has taken over. Her cousin gave us all his trains and tracks plus some blocks so she is all set up. we have nicknamed her Mollzilla since she destroys track faster than you can rebuild it.

bike trailer for molly

A few weeks ago, Floyd surprised us and took Friday off from work. It was a nice day so we decided to break down and buy a bike trailer for Molly to ride in so we could go biking again. She LOVES it! Maybe she just loves wearing her new helmet that she now brings in the car with us when we go run errands. These pictures were taken before we went for the ride. You can tell she is thinking " what are they doing to me" " what is this contraption". The whole first ride she held onto her seat as Floyd took her over every bump and curb he could find. I wasn't sure if she would want to get back in the thing ever again. I was wrong-everyday she asks to go for a ride. We didn't buy the stroller attachment so we can use it as a stroller cause it was over $100 but now after using it-it might be worth it. smooth ride and easy to push/steer. we shall see if the wants wins over the needs as my dad would say. "is it a want or a need?" I always hated that question cause it was usually a want! I still ask myself that question today. Sometimes giving into the want is a lot of fun!