Molly has found her knees. She is now able to get on her hands and knees all on her own. watch out world, here comes Molly.

Try #2 for peas. The face is getting better every new jar of peas we try. Someday she will like them.

What's that brightness? We actually had a sunny day this week. She enjoyed playing in her highchair while I made us lunch.

It is hard to see in the picture but she is trying to pull herself up on her toy. I think she wanted to eat the handle.

Playing in the jumper thingy at daycare. she loves this thing.

Molly and Tryka at daycare. Everyone at daycare loves Molly. She has a great time playing there. She is ready for a nap. Mom made it there just in time to drop off her pacifier that missed going with her in the morning. tragedy diverted.
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