Well this week has been eventful. After a long 3 weeks of rough nights of sleep, Molly has finally reached her growth spurt. (And we are sleeping again!) She reached her knees and now is rocking on them looking to where she wants to go. She also really started talking last night. She has been oohhh and aahhing for awhile now but not alot of lalala or mamamas, etc until last night. We had bath time and were getting ready for bed when it started. She was climbing on daddy after reading her bedtime story when she started telling us all about it. Floyd and I just looked at each other like one of us were imagining it. It took us a second to realize she was "talking" with syllables. We have been wondering when she would hit this milestone. Now she just wants to talk. it is great to hear her voice.
this morning was a 4.5 magnitude earthquake. What can I say, we slept thru it at 5:30am. Surprisingly, it wasn't far away. The center was located just 2 miles south of Kingston. Kingston is directly across the Sound from Edmonds, where we live, and just a short ferry ride away. One of my favorite things to do is to ride the ferry to Kingston to get ice cream in the summer time. I can't wait to take Molly this summer.
Ok, it is time to go to bed.
This started out about our second home remodel, then included Molly. Now we are changing it again. Still all about Molly but now it is about our new adventures in our new city.
Friday, January 30, 2009
daycare and other misc pictures
Molly's first job
Molly completed her first job this week. Univ of Washington's Hearing and Speech Clinic was conducting research on infant hearing. We had gotten a post card when Molly was born asking if we were interested in participating in the study. I had submitted it saying we were interested in finding out more about it. They called a few weeks back asking if we were still interested. So after some discussion, we decided Molly was ready for her first job. Originally, it was to be 2 visits that last about 45 minutes and she gets paid $15/session. She did sooooo great that she was invited back for an additional 2 visits and earned a bonus. Needless to say, I opened Molly a savings account this week.
So for her job, she had a little ear piece placed on her ear. She got to sit on my lap and play with toys while listening for sounds. When she heard the sound, she was taught to look at the screen. She had a great time and the girls conducting the researched loved her. They asked if they could keep her information for future studies.
Monday, January 19, 2009
6 month check up
Hard to believe our little girl is 6 months old, almost 7 now. She had her 6 month checkup just over a week ago. She was 15 lbs 14 oz and 26 inches long. That puts her in the 50 th percentile. Her head on the other hand is in the 75th percentile. Go figure, she has a big head so far. She is doing great and trying a new food each week. Still doesn't like peas. I'll keep trying that one. Someone else in this house has to like them! I finally remembered to take my camera and of course we were in the 1 room that doesn't have a big mirror for her to play in. She always has so much fun waiting for Dr. Reese.
I'm a slacker, I know.
So I really should be in bed now since little miss Molly doesn't like sleeping thru the night anymore. I can't wait for this growth spurt to be over! She doesn't like naps during the day and night time sleep is just a series of long naps. So this will be short and just a few pictures from the last few weeks. Hope everyone is enjoying winter and staying warm. It was a beautiful, very sunny 42 degrees today. Can't complain.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
ok ok, photos from Christmas
Molly got everything she wanted for christmas....to be spoiled. Her grandma and grandpa (Wendy's parents) and her Aunts, Amy and Kim, and her cousin, Mr. Man (for online endeavors) all came to visit. Grandma and Grandpa were here for a week. They had a great time playing with Molly. Molly enjoyed them feeding her and helping to bathe her. She had them wrapped around her little finger the moment they saw her. She really started "talking" more frequently while they were here. She is also way more steady sitting up on her own.
For Christmas eve service at church, Molly got to play the symbol of Jesus during the children's message. She was to be a reminder to the kids what Christmas is really about, the baby Jesus and not all the presents. She did a great job up in front of the church. I think she enjoyed sitting with the big kids. It won't be long until she can start going up for childrens message.
On Christmas day, we went to Roger and Shelly's for dinner. Shelly was brave and hosted 14 or 15 of us for dinner. It was much fun hanging out with everyone. We almost didn't make it due to the snow. It took us over 10 minutes to get out of our driveway! Once out on main roads, the roads weren't too bad but the neighborhoods were disasterous. The snow was starting to melt during the day but would freeze back at night. It was so thick and wet that the car would just sink into the snow and get stuck. Thankfully that is all over with. (except for the new snow we getting right now).
My sisters were here this weekend. Molly again got spoiled. I am sure she will be a monster tomorrow. She got to play with her cousin, who did a great job with her. She loved watching him. Mr. Man could make her giggle and giggle and giggle. They fed off each other. The more she giggled the goofier he got. They watched Molly so Floyd and I could go for a nice walk on Saturday and out to lunch on Sunday. It was nice to get a break and have some time just the 2 of us.
Well, that pretty much sums it up. Oh, Molly had her first photo shoot at Clix. She did great! It was so hard to pick out which poses to order. Ok, time for bed soon. Floyd goes back to work tomorrow and class starts back up tomorrow. Just one night a week this quarter. Only 1 more quarter after this one. I will finish school in June. YEAH!!! so here are some pictures of the last few weeks.
We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years! Hard to believe it is already 2009!
As I sit here and type on the night before everyone goes back to work and school, it is snowing again. Just as the holiday season began, it is ending. Most of the snow that trapped us in our homes had melted except for the piles from shoveling. In the last 5 hours we have gotten 3 inches of wet snow. It is beautiful! So to carry on tradition, here is our christmas tree in the snow on our deck. Now the season is complete.
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