
Monday, December 15, 2008

crazy little thing she does

So for the past 2 nights when I check on Molly she has been traveling around her crib. She turns in circles. She isn't rolling over in the crib but rotates. She starts out with her head at 12 o'clock position. Next time I peek in on her she has her head at the 3 o'clock position and eventually when she wakes up to eat, her head is at 6 o'clock. Sunday morning, I woke up around 4 to her pushing the big buttons on her mobile. I knew it was the buttons that was making that sound but didn't know how she was reaching them. That is until I checked in on her and she was kicking them. If I could have turned on the mobile without her knowing, I would have. I couldn't quite tell if she was asleep or awake since her face was facing the wall. It was fun just to watch her play and here her sucking on her hand without her knowing I was there.
She is great about playing in her crib by herself in the morning. Something her dad and I greatly appreciate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, Nelsons, time to upload your Christmas pictures of the baby. I've been waiting patiently! ;)