Hello All,
It has been too long since I have last posted. We are now at 38 weeks and just waiting for little one to decide to join us. It's crazy to think we have spent the last 9 months begging little one to stay put and go full term and now I am begging little one to come out, and NOW! Last week at our weekly appointment, the dr gave the estimate of baby already weighing 7 lbs 14oz. No little baby that's for sure. I have consistently been measuring ahead of schedule for the last month. Currently measuring 42cm. She was concerned last week that if baby continues to grow at this rate and I go full term or beyond, I may have to go straight for the c-section due to size of both of us. This week she seemed more optimistic and said that we aren't going to decide anything until the time comes. I am 1 cm dilated but could stay that way for a few weeks. Floyd had to remind me of that yesterday instead of letting me enjoy the fact that things could start happening. I love that boy and I know he was just being realistic but he doesn't have the huge belly weighing him down and needing just the little glimmer of hope that this is almost over. Our dr just laughs at us now.
Overall, I am feeling good. My feet and legs are maintaining their water nicely. Some days bigger than others but getting used to it. Thankful school is done so I don't have to type as much anymore since my right hand is suffering from fluid too. But ya know, if this is the worst of my whole pregnancy, I shouldn't complain. I have been extremely fortunate during this pregnancy. Floyd is soo cute. Every morning now when he goes to work, he asks the baby when he/she is joining us. I think he just got nervous this morning. Of all the timing, he is working overtime and hour north of here during the week. Hard to turn down the overtime but the location/distance isn't so ideal if I go into labor. Put we have a back up plan in case he doesn't get here in time to take me to the hospital and he meets me there. I am sure it will all work out just fine. No use worrying about it. That is right, it is me who just said no use worrying about it. I am trying to relax and have patience. No easy task for me but working on it.
We are still waiting on the baby furniture. The crib is supposedly back ordered until middle of July but I got a call it might ship next week with the dresser. I thought the dresser was already in route though. So it will get here when it gets here. We have a cradle in our room for baby so we will be fine. Our friend from church is coming over tomorrow to paint the oak tree in the nursery. I will post pictures hopefully this weekend of it. Here is a picture taken last week of my belly. As you can see I am still ALL belly. thankfully, that is where all the weight has gone. 

Here is just a fun picture Floyd enjoyed taking. You can see my tree trunks for ankles. Soon they will be gone......
Hope everyone is enjoying a nice first day of summer.
1 comment:
You are getting soooo close Wendy!!! Hang in there (I know it is easier said than done, I went a week overdue with both mine).
Just a quick thought on the size. I guess unless you really want a c-section, I would encourage you to have your Dr. at least attempt an induction before you go that route. Guessing the size is just that - guessing. I had an ultra sound two days before Colin was born. They said he'd be in the low 7 lb range. Two days later - 9 lbs 12.4 oz. There is an error margin even on ultra sounds that is two pounds either way. And... as far as what is too big a baby - there unfortunately is NO way a dr. can know until you are in the pushing phase (according to my Dr. as well as my "cousin in law" who is an OB). It has nothing to do with your size, but rather the internal size and shape of your pelvis. So, what I am trying to say is - trust yourself and your body and don't get pushed in to a c-section unless you want one or end up needing one. I had a really easy labor and delivery with Colin and he was almost 10 lbs. My dr. is a firm believer that generally speaking your body will grow a baby that is just the right size.
It will all work out great and I can't wait to hear the great news and see pictures of the newest little Nelson!
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