As due date approaches for our little one, who is definitely on a schedule of his/her own, I have some spare time. I know I need to appreciate this time to relax and put my feet up but I must admit 2 weeks of that is long enough and getting boring. But it has given me a chance to think about this journey we have been on. Hard to believe this has been 3+ years in the making with the last 9 months being the best part for sure. We have been very fortunate to have had such an easy pregnancy considering everything it took to get here. I don't know who is luckier, Floyd or myself for the easy pregnancy. Floyd has been (and still is) a wonderful support. I couldn't have asked for a better husband!! I wouldn't have wanted to go thru this with anyone else by my side. I am so excited to be having his baby and can't wait to watch him love our child. I know it doesn't matter if it is a boy or girl. I know he or she will have their own tool box to match daddy's by the time he/she is one. I can just picture him or her following daddy around wanting to help build something. That thought always makes me smile.
I also wanted to say thank you to everyone for the support, prayers, and encouragement we have received over the years. It is nice to know that we have family and friends that care so much. Well, you know me, I am not one for much sob and sentiment so I think I will post this now. Again, hopefully, the next post will be a picture of our newest member to the Nelson clan.
This started out about our second home remodel, then included Molly. Now we are changing it again. Still all about Molly but now it is about our new adventures in our new city.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The tree is done and so am I...
Here is a picture of the tree I painted in the nursery so baby can sleep away under the tree. Once baby is born, I will personalize the room so it isn't so gender neutral. I had help from a friend at church who is an artist. She got me started on the outline of the tree and trunk details, along with mixing the paint colors. She showed me how to do the leaves and I took it from there. Still waiting on our nursery furniture.....the race is on will baby or furniture arrive first?
The latest update from our dr appointment on Wednesday change. Still dilated to 1 cm, 50% effaced and the kid is still high. I haven't really been having any contractions until tonight and then they are sporatic ones. If baby isn't here by our next appointment (Wednesday 7/2) we will discuss evicting, wait, inducing this little one. Please say a prayer that we don't have to go that route. I am hoping little one will decide to come out on his/her own. As for size of baby, not much change. Thankfully the growth spurt has slowed down. We have been going out for our nightly waddles around the neighborhood. Floyd is so patient with me. I know he has to be so bored walking at a snails pace but at least we are walking again. The feet are still swollen but not as bad as they were so I can get my walking shoes on now.
The weather has finally started getting nice again. It has been in the low 70's and sunny this week. It is supposed to hit mid 80's this weekend and then cool back down to the 70's next week. So all in all, not bad weather, if only it will last the rest of summer.
Hope this finds everyone enjoying the beginning of summer. Hopefully, the next post will be a picture of the baby!!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Can we say huge baby!
Hello All,
It has been too long since I have last posted. We are now at 38 weeks and just waiting for little one to decide to join us. It's crazy to think we have spent the last 9 months begging little one to stay put and go full term and now I am begging little one to come out, and NOW! Last week at our weekly appointment, the dr gave the estimate of baby already weighing 7 lbs 14oz. No little baby that's for sure. I have consistently been measuring ahead of schedule for the last month. Currently measuring 42cm. She was concerned last week that if baby continues to grow at this rate and I go full term or beyond, I may have to go straight for the c-section due to size of both of us. This week she seemed more optimistic and said that we aren't going to decide anything until the time comes. I am 1 cm dilated but could stay that way for a few weeks. Floyd had to remind me of that yesterday instead of letting me enjoy the fact that things could start happening. I love that boy and I know he was just being realistic but he doesn't have the huge belly weighing him down and needing just the little glimmer of hope that this is almost over. Our dr just laughs at us now.
Overall, I am feeling good. My feet and legs are maintaining their water nicely. Some days bigger than others but getting used to it. Thankful school is done so I don't have to type as much anymore since my right hand is suffering from fluid too. But ya know, if this is the worst of my whole pregnancy, I shouldn't complain. I have been extremely fortunate during this pregnancy. Floyd is soo cute. Every morning now when he goes to work, he asks the baby when he/she is joining us. I think he just got nervous this morning. Of all the timing, he is working overtime and hour north of here during the week. Hard to turn down the overtime but the location/distance isn't so ideal if I go into labor. Put we have a back up plan in case he doesn't get here in time to take me to the hospital and he meets me there. I am sure it will all work out just fine. No use worrying about it. That is right, it is me who just said no use worrying about it. I am trying to relax and have patience. No easy task for me but working on it.
We are still waiting on the baby furniture. The crib is supposedly back ordered until middle of July but I got a call it might ship next week with the dresser. I thought the dresser was already in route though. So it will get here when it gets here. We have a cradle in our room for baby so we will be fine. Our friend from church is coming over tomorrow to paint the oak tree in the nursery. I will post pictures hopefully this weekend of it. Here is a picture taken last week of my belly. As you can see I am still ALL belly. thankfully, that is where all the weight has gone. 

Here is just a fun picture Floyd enjoyed taking. You can see my tree trunks for ankles. Soon they will be gone......
Hope everyone is enjoying a nice first day of summer.
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