So for the past 2 nights when I check on Molly she has been traveling around her crib. She turns in circles. She isn't rolling over in the crib but rotates. She starts out with her head at 12 o'clock position. Next time I peek in on her she has her head at the 3 o'clock position and eventually when she wakes up to eat, her head is at 6 o'clock. Sunday morning, I woke up around 4 to her pushing the big buttons on her mobile. I knew it was the buttons that was making that sound but didn't know how she was reaching them. That is until I checked in on her and she was kicking them. If I could have turned on the mobile without her knowing, I would have. I couldn't quite tell if she was asleep or awake since her face was facing the wall. It was fun just to watch her play and here her sucking on her hand without her knowing I was there.
She is great about playing in her crib by herself in the morning. Something her dad and I greatly appreciate.
This started out about our second home remodel, then included Molly. Now we are changing it again. Still all about Molly but now it is about our new adventures in our new city.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Molly's first snow
Ok for you in the midwest, this is laughable but for us out here in the NW it is quite real. A cold front has moved in and is here to stay for the next week or two. Molly got her first snow this weekend. Floyd thought I was crazy when I bought her a snowsuit/one piece coat thing at the consignment shop down the hill from us. He said we won't need it. I thought, safer than sorry, I don't want my little girl being cold. So Sunday morning, I bundled her up to go to church with Floyd still holding firm that we didn't need it. By the afternoon when we took Molly outside on our deck to sit in the snow, I knew the coat was a good idea. Molly made her first snow angel. A perfect one I might add. Attached is the video. It is really short as I didn't know that was what Floyd was about to do.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Time for the Christmas Tree
Last weekend we went on our Christmas tree hunt. For the last few years we have been heading up north to get our tree. We found a small lot that you can cut down your own tree and the money goes to the local highschool. We have had much success with finding great trees there until this year. We drove straight to it and found a Land Action Use sign. The lot is closed and going to be turned into a subdivision or strip mall or who knows what. There were still a few sad looking Christmas trees on the lot and I wanted to cut one down and take it home but that would be trespassing so we didn't. Molly had only fallen asleep 15 mins before getting there so it was a good thing to keep driving so she could get a better nap. We had thought she would have fallen asleep a lot earlier in the drive!
Off to Christmas tree farm #2-yeah I didn't like it when we pulled into the drive, we had stopped there in years passed and I thought they were expensive. Molly-still sleeping. On we drove. This time we went looking for the tree farm that we had gone to 5 years ago. We weren't exactly sure where it was but had an idea. Needless to say a few hours later and 3 tree farms later, we stopped at the Kangaroo Farm. Yup, they have kangaroos, emus, llamas, etc. and of course Christmas trees. There was a brand new baby kangaroo that a worker was carrying around for people to see. Molly liked the little joey best of all. The trees turned out to already be cut but by that point we were all ready to go home. So needless to say we could have just gone to the grocery store and picked one out in alot less time and for less money. But we enjoyed the day together, drinking hot chocolate as we drove along. thankfully, we remembered to put some in a thermos for us.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The rest of Thanksgiving
Sorry for the delay but life happens. The rest of our trip in Texas was a lot of fun. I learned to drive the new tractor. Took the paddleboat out for a spin around his parents pond. Molly got to see her first real live cows up close and personal. She also was spoiled rotten by all the family. I had a little monster on my hands when we got home.
The whole Nelson clan. We all made it home for Thanksgiving this year. It has been a few years since we have all been together.
If only Molly had looked at the camera.
The view from the front door at sunset.
Molly and her cousin Tommy
All the grandkids (except Molly and Tommy) with Pawpaw going to check on the cows
Her first tractor ride
Mimi's dream come true. She wanted a deck to go around the house so the grandkids could play outside. She got her wish this week with the deck full of grandkids running around. Floyd and his dad worked on putting up the deck on the front side of the house. Once it is all complete it will go around 3 sides of the house and a covered carport on the 4th side. Lots of room to run and play rain or shine.
Molly's new toy
We couldn't wait til Christmas. It just came in the mail today. I even managed to put it together all by myself!! Pretty proud of myself, if I do say so. She is very excited about her new walker. The video doesn't fully show it since she always stops what she's doing when I get the camera out.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Firsts for Molly
Molly has had many firsts in the last 4 days. On Thursday, she rolled over from her back to stomach with no assistance. Friday morning, she woke up with her first cold-well more of a snotty nose which was great for her first plane ride. She did exceptionally well for having a snotty nose. Take off was a breeze. A few minutes after that, just before the seat belt sign was turned off, she gave us a wonderful present. A very explosive diaper that went up the back and got all over her outfit. (She was sitting on Floyd's lap) Needless to say we had to change her green (that's another story) diaper there in our seats. WOW did that stink! The poor nice lady sitting next to us. She was very nice about the whole thing. Molly slept thru most of the flight (thankfully) with very little fussing. She even slept thru the whole landing. The time change hasn't treated us very kindly with her having a stuffy nose. Floyd has the same cold.
Molly has been having a great time with her Mimi and Pawpaw. We went to church this morning and everyone agrees she is a cutie!
Another first for Molly: trying rice cereal. We had gotten the ok from her dr at her 4 month check up to start her on food. Not long after that appointment and before we gave her rice cereal, she started having green poops (there is more to that but we are waiting on the test results-She doesn't seem to be bothered by her digestion issues) She hasn't seemed interested in eating anything other than milk until the last few days. She has been getting more and more fascinated by what we are eating. So today she tried her first bites of rice cereal.
Below are more pictures from the last few days:
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Card Shark Molly
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Molly update
Molly had her 4 month check up on Friday and passed with flying colors-of course!
As of Friday, she was 14lbs, 6 oz and 25 inches long. All in all she is about 60-75 percentile for her age. Her dr. suggested we can start her on rice cereal anytime. We haven't tried it yet but hope to this week. I just got out her spoons and need to wash them.
I kicked myself for not taking the camera with me to the drs. She was having a blast playing in the mirror. Her smiles and laughs were huge! Floyd met us there to help with the shots-which she did great. Only a few screams and tears and then calmed right down when the nurse left the room.
Other big news, she moved into her own room this weekend. I think it was harder on me than her. She now sleeps a 10 hour stretch at night which is REALLY nice. She is starting to wake up the same time that Floyd does. I actually slept thru the night last night-I never do that especially since Molly was born. We even had a pretty decent wind storm from what I hear.
Well, I need to get organized to go to an appointment shortly and Molly should be awake anytime now.
As of Friday, she was 14lbs, 6 oz and 25 inches long. All in all she is about 60-75 percentile for her age. Her dr. suggested we can start her on rice cereal anytime. We haven't tried it yet but hope to this week. I just got out her spoons and need to wash them.
I kicked myself for not taking the camera with me to the drs. She was having a blast playing in the mirror. Her smiles and laughs were huge! Floyd met us there to help with the shots-which she did great. Only a few screams and tears and then calmed right down when the nurse left the room.
Other big news, she moved into her own room this weekend. I think it was harder on me than her. She now sleeps a 10 hour stretch at night which is REALLY nice. She is starting to wake up the same time that Floyd does. I actually slept thru the night last night-I never do that especially since Molly was born. We even had a pretty decent wind storm from what I hear.
Well, I need to get organized to go to an appointment shortly and Molly should be awake anytime now.
Finally some pictures
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I know I know
It has been too long since my last post. And now I don't have the pictures loaded on this computer to put on the blog. Hopefully tomorrow I can put pictures on the blog. What is new in the last few weeks. Honestly I don't know, it all blends together.
Molly did not dress up in a costume this year. She did have a shirt that said "I love my Mummy, and my mummy loves me" That was her Halloween outfit. We went down to Portland to see friends and family for the weekend. Molly did extremely well on the roadtrip, especially considering it took 5+ hours to get to Portland cause traffic SUCKED. We hung out with our friends Erin and Jason and our goddaughter Ellie. It was great to see them again. We weren't able to make it to the hospital to see their son Joey, (who is making good progress after his latest setbacks) since I was starting to get a sore throat and didn't want to pass it along to him. (Luckily, the sore throat has passed and not progressed to a cold).
We stayed at my sisters new apartment and had a great time seeing them. We also went out to dinner with Matt and Shawna (Matt was in the Navy with Floyd). Very happily, the drive home only took 4 hours, including a break for food and diaper changing along the way.
Molly turned 4 months old on Monday. She celebrated by rolling over for the 1st time. I had just placed her on her tummy on the floor. I grabbed a shirt from her room and as I walked back into the living room, I saw her arms and legs go up in the air. She had the cutest look on her face. You could tell she was wondering what had just happened and if she could do it again. Floyd missed it by minutes. He was pulling into the driveway when all this happened. We couldn't get her to do it again. She has come close several times.
She has her 4 month checkup on Friday. I will let ya'll know how she does. Well, it is time to feed our little girl and put her to bed.
Molly did not dress up in a costume this year. She did have a shirt that said "I love my Mummy, and my mummy loves me" That was her Halloween outfit. We went down to Portland to see friends and family for the weekend. Molly did extremely well on the roadtrip, especially considering it took 5+ hours to get to Portland cause traffic SUCKED. We hung out with our friends Erin and Jason and our goddaughter Ellie. It was great to see them again. We weren't able to make it to the hospital to see their son Joey, (who is making good progress after his latest setbacks) since I was starting to get a sore throat and didn't want to pass it along to him. (Luckily, the sore throat has passed and not progressed to a cold).
We stayed at my sisters new apartment and had a great time seeing them. We also went out to dinner with Matt and Shawna (Matt was in the Navy with Floyd). Very happily, the drive home only took 4 hours, including a break for food and diaper changing along the way.
Molly turned 4 months old on Monday. She celebrated by rolling over for the 1st time. I had just placed her on her tummy on the floor. I grabbed a shirt from her room and as I walked back into the living room, I saw her arms and legs go up in the air. She had the cutest look on her face. You could tell she was wondering what had just happened and if she could do it again. Floyd missed it by minutes. He was pulling into the driveway when all this happened. We couldn't get her to do it again. She has come close several times.
She has her 4 month checkup on Friday. I will let ya'll know how she does. Well, it is time to feed our little girl and put her to bed.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Weekend adventures
Molly went to her first bonfire on Saturday. A former coworker of Floyd's had a birthday party. He lives about a 1/2 hour from us in a beautiful area and owns 5 acres. Needless to say Phil likes to have bonfires and it was his birthday so who was going to argue. Molly was the cutest baby there-of course and we had it confirmed by a third party. She had so much fun she didn't want to nap so she crashed in the car before we even made it to the main road.
This is her new favorite dolly to suck on.
She is just so precious when she is sleeping.
She was practicing standing up and showing off her jumper when are friends were over for dinner tonight.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Fall weekend. It was gorgeous here.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Weekend at the Ocean
So I mistyped on the last post and said we were going for a week-I wish! We were there Friday -Sunday for what is becoming our annual trip to Seabrook.
This year, Rich/Kate, Shelly/Roger, Jeanne, and us rented a cottage. Erin and Jason were going to come but their little boy, Joey is in the hospital. It wasn't the same without the Vandermeides. We missed you and are keeping you in our prayers.
This year we rented the Family Tides house and carriage house to hold all of us. It is across from the big park, playground, and firepits plus it has a hot tub! We took Molly down to the ocean ( a five minute walk on the trail) and both times she was asleep by the time we got there.
Friday night, Floyd and I got to catch the sunset while Molly slept on Floyd's chest. The ergo carrier works great for walks. Molly can stay all warm and cuddled while we explore.
On Saturday, we were all a bit lazy. We had a late breakfast and hung around the community. We went for a walk around the community checking out the new construction-the place is still being built, not sure how many more years it will take. The cafe was new this year and the market is in process of being built. Also, in the plans for the community is a movie theather, bowling alley, restaurant, spa, etc.
Saturday night, we had a bonfire and roasted marshmellows. All in all, it was a very relaxing weekend to get away. I told Floyd that next year, I want to spend one more day there. here are the pictures from this weekend and maybe a video if I can get it to work. 

She had to get her tummy time in. What a cutie! She is such a drooler these days.
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