Time has been flying by lately. We have been slowly working on the house which you will see below. Floyd built a very nice patio /front porch and we have planted lanscaping. The new front door will be delivered tomorrow. YEAH!!! Once I get it prepped and stained, Floyd can install it and finish the siding. We actually have all the new windows installed. Ok with one exception-the big living room window that is being turned into sliding doors for that still imaginary deck(coming next spring). Besides a paint job, the exterior should be almost all done. We had 6 big trees taken down this week. How much fun to watch! Of course, Floyd managed to get out there and help. Sorry Amy, they all needed to come down but don't worry we still have 8-10 BIG trees in the yard. With the trees gone, the others will be able to fill in and grow more. What is really exciting is that we will be able to grow grass in the backyard! (I know that means I will have to cut the grass but it will be much nicer than the dirt and weeds that have existed there for years)
I finally decided to go back to school for my associates in architectural engineering at North Seattle Community College. It is a 2 year program but hopefully, I can finish it early. The program is interesting and I am finally getting adjusted to being back at school-still behind in the reading-I guess some things never change. Wow has it been a long time since I have had to use trig and calculus!
I think that about covers what is going on in our lives for now.

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