Molly is learning new things every day. In fact, Anna at daycare asked me today if I was teaching her to read (already!?) since Molly picked up a sippy cup and stared at it, "reading" the name on it, put it down and found hers. I guess she can recognize her name now. cool.
Anna also mentioned that they played with the nature cards today. As Anna was talking about the different pictures, Molly was picking up the card she was talking about and giving it to her. The fish, ocean, and crab are her favorite cards at home.
Anna also commented that she will be ready to potty train soon. we have been noticing that she says "pee" at random times and we figure that is what she is doing. she will also squat down when she goes "pee" sometimes. The last few days, she will randomly (well, randomly to us) go over to the blanket we change her on and will pull it on the floor or go to her room and point at the diapers. I still think she is a little young. Everything I have read says to wait until after 18 months or it will take longer to potty train than if you had waited to start. I also don't think I am ready for potty training. Don't get me wrong would love to not change diapers anymore but .......oh this could be a long journey. i'm not ready for my baby to be a kid.
She no longer likes to snuggle before nap or bedtime. The routine went like this: she picks out 2 stories to read, snuggle, lay her down almost asleep. now it is story-usually 2 sometimes she skips the 2nd, she points at her crib and grabs her blanket, slides off my lap and walks to the crib. I love that she is able to put herself to bed but I MISS my snuggles. Again, mommy's not ready. Notice the trend....Molly's growing up faster than I'm ready.
So this leads us to the newest thing she is blow her own nose. wow-how nasty! She will use anything!!! I thought she was going to help fold laundry (using help loosely) but she grabbed a washcloth and started blowing her nose. I gave her a tissue and took the washcloth, explaining we use a tissue not our bibs, blankets, washclothes. She used the tissue, walked over to the trash, threw it out, went back to the laundry basket and got another washcloth to blow her nose again. Using a tissue is entertaining to watch. she balls it up and rotates it as she keeps blowing. Needless to say, snot everywhere. sorry if too much detail but welcome to my day. i am hopeful our cold (yes we all have a cold now) will be gone quickly.
Feel free to post title suggestions or any potty training suggestions.
This started out about our second home remodel, then included Molly. Now we are changing it again. Still all about Molly but now it is about our new adventures in our new city.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
baking up a storm
As you can see here Molly is feeling much better. She is getting over from a cold and croup. She is such a sweet and generous little girl, that she has now given her cold to both of us! Floyd says not him (he is in denial that he is getting sick) he claims he doesn't get sick. i hate to tell him but he does get sick but he has an incredible immune system and will be fine in a day or 2 at the most. I will have this cold for the next 2 weeks. Maybe that's cause I have been a giant kleenex for the last week......i know gross.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
splashing in the puddles
Molly got a chance to try out her new rain gear that Nina sent her from Sweden. I finally found a pair of boots that aren't huge on her feet so she can splash away in the puddles- we have enough of them. Thanks Nina, we love the rain gear. It is a little big but not too big she can't wear it. Just means she can wear it for a long time!

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Annual Trip to Seabrook
Last weekend was our annual trip to Seabrook. The group was much smaller this year due to busy schedules but we still had a full house. Floyd took Friday off so we could leave after lunch and get to the coast before dark. Little did we know our great plan would not happen. I woke up way to early Friday morning with food poisoning. (check the expiration dates on your condiments in the frig-its funny how "I just bought it" turns out to be several months ago). Thankfully, I was the only one who had the tartar sauce the night before so I was the only one who was sick. By Saturday morning, I was feeling much better and desperately wanted to be at the ocean so we loaded up the truck and hit the road. I had packed a few books/toys for Molly but asked her to pick out 1 toy for the trip. She looked around the living room, picked up 2 toys and put them into 1 basket. Smart little girl! We explained to her that we asked her for 1 toy not 2 but since she had put them neatly in a carrying basket, she could take both toys. Floyd and I were amazed on how clever she was to manipulate us like that.
It was a beautiful day by the time we got there-the rain had moved on. We had a snack, put Molly in her Halloween costume, and a short visit with our friends before heading out to the park that was across the street from our house. It is a big open field with fire pits and swings. Great place to throw a frisbee. Believe it or not, we didn't make it to the park.....I got sidetracked in an open house-go figure. but outside the house was a community bike with a bike trailer for molly. So Floyd got it all set up and took Molly for a spin around the community. I LOVE this community. I am appreciating it more and more each year we go. It is a great place to bring kids and only is getting better (building a pool in the spring). After the bike ride, we went to another park in the community that had a jungle gym and swings. Then it was off to the beach. We have the cutest "dog" on the beach. Molly loves the beach and the ocean as much as I do. We didn't get to stay at the beach very long cause it was getting close to trick or treating time and didn't want to miss passing out the candy.
We had a huge feast, as usual, for dinner and played games after Molly went to bed. The time change and new surroundings did not treat our family very well. Molly woke up when we wanted to go sit in the hot tub and screamed for 3 hours! Not so pleasant. Our family ended up moving out to the guest house so we didn't keep anyone up.
Sunday was a gorgeous day, sad to have to leave. We took a great walk around the community to see all the new developement that is still going on before getting in the car for a 3 hour drive home. What started off as a painful, thought I was going to die weekend, ended wonderfully. I am so glad we made it to the ocean. Can't wait til next year.

It was a beautiful day by the time we got there-the rain had moved on. We had a snack, put Molly in her Halloween costume, and a short visit with our friends before heading out to the park that was across the street from our house. It is a big open field with fire pits and swings. Great place to throw a frisbee. Believe it or not, we didn't make it to the park.....I got sidetracked in an open house-go figure. but outside the house was a community bike with a bike trailer for molly. So Floyd got it all set up and took Molly for a spin around the community. I LOVE this community. I am appreciating it more and more each year we go. It is a great place to bring kids and only is getting better (building a pool in the spring). After the bike ride, we went to another park in the community that had a jungle gym and swings. Then it was off to the beach. We have the cutest "dog" on the beach. Molly loves the beach and the ocean as much as I do. We didn't get to stay at the beach very long cause it was getting close to trick or treating time and didn't want to miss passing out the candy.
We had a huge feast, as usual, for dinner and played games after Molly went to bed. The time change and new surroundings did not treat our family very well. Molly woke up when we wanted to go sit in the hot tub and screamed for 3 hours! Not so pleasant. Our family ended up moving out to the guest house so we didn't keep anyone up.
Sunday was a gorgeous day, sad to have to leave. We took a great walk around the community to see all the new developement that is still going on before getting in the car for a 3 hour drive home. What started off as a painful, thought I was going to die weekend, ended wonderfully. I am so glad we made it to the ocean. Can't wait til next year.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Heather's visit
Heather came to visit us a few weeks ago. it was great to see her. I just hope she had fun helping Shelly and I with the kids!! We took a trip to the Seattle Aquarium. Molly's first visit. I made the realization that strollers aren't meant for carrying children but all their gear. We saw 3 kids around Molly's age and 3 empty strollers while at the aquarium. hers included. I wondered why I brought it but realized I couldn't chase her and carry the bags/coats/etc.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Preview pictures
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