Yeah, I'm still waiting to find that out too. The sex is written in an envelope until we can make up our minds if we want to know. Can someone please convince Floyd we want to know! I know I can't keep it a secret from him so I am respecting his wishes of not finding out. It may kill me. We had our 18 week ultrasound today. Here is our little one who was quite active during the ultrasound. In fact, Flendy gave us a clear thumbs up. Baby is doing great and is right on target for a July 1 EDD. It was a great relief to see our little one.
What a cute little nose! Ok, I know, its just a nose but I can't wait to see it in person! 
For those who are wondering, Flendy is a nickname that Floyd and I picked up on our mission trip to Lake Chelan a few years back. The name is very fitting for our little one since he/she is truely a combination of us.