
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Award Ceremony

Molly had her first awards ceremony. We missed last sessions ceremony. Of course, I forgot my camera but our friend Dena took a few pictures for us. Floyd even earned some brownie points and took off work to come see the new gym and what Molly has learned in the last 20 weeks. Molly goes to the Little Gym once a week to play. She has learned somersaults, walking on a balance beam, woop-de-dos, and backward rolls (or whatever they are called). Our gym moved locations part way thru this session to a smaller but much nicer facility. Molly graduated from the Birdies class and will be starting the Beasties class on Monday.

Molly was chosen to demonstrate doing a somersault on the balance beam. that's my girl! Look at her arms up in the air-nice form!
She is a great encourager. A cheerleader all the way. She wears her medal around the house all day long. It is so cute. She was sitting on her little potty chair, completely naked with her medal around her neck. I wish I had had a camera within reach.

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