
Friday, July 24, 2009


here are some random pictures from the last few weeks. Molly got her first skinned knee. She didn't even notice or just didn't care. She kept on going, nothing stops this girl.

Our little girl sleeping. she looks so big!

Molly loves playing in my tupperware drawer. She spent all morning carrying the bowl around stirring with a spoon. She is my little shadow these days. I showed her how to water the flowers using the watering can yesterday. Tonight, when we were coming up the front porch, she grabbed the empty watering can and carried it over to the flower pots. She "watered" the flowers for me. She had such a huge grin cause she was helping. It was too funny. She is watching and learning everyday.

She was reading her "DOG" book-which she loves, Thanks Teri!! I wanted to take a picture of her reading it but when I turned on the camera she came over to me. I asked her to get her DOG so she went over to the book but reached down into her toy box and pulled out Snoopy. She carried Snoopy around by his nose . Poor Snoopy.This morning, Molly woke up early so we snuggled on the couch. She eventually fell back asleep. I needed to get off the couch to get ready to go so I placed big couch cushions on the floor so she would have padding if she rolled. Sure enough, she rolled off the couch. She didn't even make a sound and stayed asleep. She woke up when I was taking pictures which was good since we needed to get going for the day.

Priceless. She is my daughter. I love the "why am I awake" look. Believe it or not, she was happy when she woke up. She thought it was funny she was on the floor.

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