
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Aunt Shawna is here!

Floyd's sister Shawna is here for a week. She says it is to see all of us but we really know the's to see Molly. Molly has been having a great time with her Aunt Shawna. We spent the night in Leavenworth and explored the mountain pass today. We are going to try and take another day trip tomorrow but will see how Molly feels about being in the car again. ya know, it's all about Molly. She is crawling everywhere and doesn't like to be confined in the car seat anymore.

before leaving for our adventure. this is the first time she has stood herself up at the door.

front street in Leavenworth, a german themed town

Downtown Leavenworth at night

Molly and her Aunt Shawna in our condo

Dinner at the mexican restaurant. she was more interested in the tag on her highchair cover. I LOVE this cover. Goes with me everywhere.

Molly in the driver seat. We took a break at a trail head so Molly could have a bite to eat and a diaper change. And play a little while Aunt Shawna and daddy explored. And yes, she is playing with her diaper.

Look I'm driving! ok, not really-car is not even turned on.

Checking out the view while Molly has a snack.

So much beautiful scenery but it is time for a nap.

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