
Thursday, May 20, 2010


DSC05241 Playing with daddyDSC05263 I had been sick and resting in our room all day as to not share my germs.  Molly thought I needed some snuggles and climbed in bed for a few minutes.  It was the best medicine all day!

party girl


when did she get this big?

getting herself dressed

Molly helped pick out her clothes for the day but wasn’t ready to get dressed so I left them on the chair and went to get dressed myself.  When I came out to the living room, she was on the floor getting herself dressed.  I guess she wasn’t ready to take off her Tinkerbell jammies yet.

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helping daddy

We got Molly her own lawnmower so she could start cutting the grass.  She ran miles around our yard while we worked on the landscaping and cut the grass, etc.DSC05238 DSC05236 DSC05237

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

taking care of her baby

Molly set up her boppy pillow and blankets this morning to “nurse” her baby (from her belly).  While she was nursing her baby, she read her the bible.  It was too cute!DSC05223 DSC05222

A weekend of baking

Molly woke up Saturday morning asking for pancakes.  We told her to make them herself-ok, only kidding.  She did ask to help---“I do it”DSC05215 DSC05213 DSC05214

they were good pancakes!  she can make them every weekend!


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After making a cake on Sunday, she helped herself to some chips that were on the counter.  She is so beautiful!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

random pictures


Wearing her fishy jammies-can you tell she likes fish?  she was probably watching her aquarium video.  she loves the sea turtles.


Her new purse.  Thanks Nana!


Her new teapot.  The first night we got it out, she called it tea.  The next morning when she came out of her room, she ran right up to it and said “coffee time”.  Can you tell she is born and raised in Seattle?  Someone asked me the other day if she has had coffee cause she always knows when someone is having a cup of coffee.  I wanted to ask the lady if she was joking, Molly’s not even 2, of course she hasn’t had coffee.  She’s lucky if she has 4-6 oz of juice a day.  She has enough energy as is, she doesn’t need the caffeine.  that’s saved for mommy and daddy!

different version of fishing

Last Saturday while I was enjoying a day of scrapbooking with friends, Molly and her daddy went to a local park/stream to help put salmon in the stream. The local fish and wildlife breed the salmon and then release them into the local streams and creeks. Little kids are invited to help carry the fish to the stream Needless to say, she had a blast! Sorry I missed it but definitely a fun outing for Daddy and Molly. It is always so hard to pick which pictures to post. DSC05187

waiting for my fish


carrying a cup of water back from creek to put the fish in. very serious job. by the time it was ready to start, she had made several trips back and forth adding water to other peoples buckets. She loves to play in the water. Floyd thought she was going to be worn out by all the trips she was taking by the time they were ready to start.


getting directions of what was to happen. not a bad turn out for something that isn’t really advertised.

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carrying my fish to the creek. Daddy forgot my bucket so we improvised with a big cup he had in the truck.



Molly was too fast to get a picture of her dumping them in the creek. Fun was had by all!