
Monday, April 19, 2010

Ocean here we come!

Molly was very excited to go to the ocean this weekend. We usually go to Seabrook in the fall but had a coupon so we loaded up and met our friends at the ocean. We had a full house this time-busting at the seams. 8 adults and 3 kids. Friday was beautiful when we arrived. Erin and I got to go for a walk around the community and enjoy the ocean and listen to the waves. Sadly, Saturday morning brought rain, rain, and more rain. Mostly a misting all day long with some strong winds. We did venture for a short trip to the beach and quickly returned to the house for baths and hot cocoa! After naps, came play time at the park. After the kids were in bed, the adults played games, sat in the hot tub and just relaxed. Oh, how did I forget to mention-and ate! We always have way more food than we can eat. Love the homemade egg rolls! Sunday morning brought sunny skies again. We took a side trip on the way home and stopped at another beach for Molly to play in the ocean. And play in the ocean she did. We were dipping our toes in the water and Molly was playing in the sand, when a bigger wave came in and brought more water than Molly was expecting. It went up her leg about 3 inches. She was so surprised, she freaked out and fell over on her butt. Then she really screamed! The look on her face was priceless. Wish I would have taken our camera on our walk on the beach. haha!

oh, Molly learned how to climb the ladder up to the top bunk. Once she figured that out, there was no stopping her. She had to keep up with Ellie and Joey. I think it is safe to say, the kids had a great time!

Pictures from Texas


So we have made it home and I have been lazy about posting pictures.  Here are probably way more photos than you want to see but how do you narrow it down.  We had a blast playing with Mimi and Pawpaw and can’t wait to go back. 

The pictures cover Molly’s first egg hunt on the porch.  Our trip to Tyler, where my camera died a few photos into our trip.  I was so mad that I didn’t charge the battery and of course it isn’t a battery I could get at the drugstore!  We went to the children’s park which had great stone fountains, a bridge so nicely named “Molly’s bridge”, and a statue of 2 teddy bears playing.  Of course, Molly climbed up on the bears and gave them hugs after my camera died.  I think Floyd was trying to torture me!  We had a great time paddling around the pond in the evening and enjoying the beautiful sunsets.  Floyd worked with his dad and Uncle on building the deck on the front of the house for his mom.  It also includes a walk way around the side to connect the front and back deck. 

Molly would get up every morning asking for PawPaw “check cows, tractor, check cows….pleeease!  she quickly learned that using her “nice” words (please), she could get what she wanted. haha.  we also were able to go visit Craig and Jodi (Craig was our best man at our wedding) and their 2 girls.  Molly had a blast playing with Cailyn on the trampoline. 

I think that covers the highlights of the trip.  Enjoy the photos!





testing new way of posting to the blog.  having problems with the pictures.